Monday 26 November 2007

UMI headache

I have refocused and taken Tim’s advice and written out an excellence reminder sheet to stick to my diary.

Excellence Guidelines


-Go that extra mile to help, motivate and inspire everyone I meet.
-Be productive and decisive whilst working on my business.
-Learn something new everyday, and continually try to be a better person.
-Travel to a new place at least three times a year.
-Give something back to the community and volunteer some of my time to help others less fortunate.
-Practice what I preach; Keep myself in the best physical shape I possibly can by performing regular exercise and consuming the highest quality organic nutrition.
-Show a very high standard of self presentation, clean, smart and professional.
-Teach and spread my knowledge to others.
-Network with like minded people/professionals, exchanging ideas and creating new opportunities.
-Make time to socialise, relax and have fun.
-Keep a positive, fun attitude to life; don’t let small failures or problems get me down.
-Be confident in my ability.
-Communicate with my family regularly.
-Keep my integrity at all times ‘I am my word.’

I am committed to making my life a shining example to others by demonstrating my excellent by……

-Being fully committed to help, motivate and inspire the people around me.
-Always give that little bit extra in all areas of my life; work, family, sport, friends and relationships.
-Be authentic and keep my integrity at all times.
-Present myself impeccably.

The values I hold dearest are…….

-To work hard on my business to build a secure future for the children I want to have!
-To continually up skill and improve myself.
-Keep my family close to me.
-Have fun, Socialise and share other people’s lives and experiences.
-Keep my integrity.

At the end of each day I will know whether I am on or off course by…………..

Being in touch and recognising my actions. Sure signs that I am off course is when I feel de-motivated, frustrated and agitated.

I will notice myself making excuses to avoid excellent behaviour that might be out of my comfort zone.

If I am on course I will feel energised and enthusiastic, take on challenges with vigour and enjoy giving and sharing with the people around me. I will finish the day feeling I have accomplished something and be excited and motivated about tomorrow.

If I am off course I will………….

I will make sure I recognise the signs early and put myself back on track. I will stray sometimes but this will not get me down and I will return to excellence.

This will defiantly help me keep on track. Have got a bit done this wkend but still not as productive as I would like. I am having real trouble with my UMI; I just don’t know what I want.

The only uniqueness of the people I work with at the moment is probably that I train a lot of gay men! They are good to train because they really care about… was going to say themselves but really it’s mainly how they look and they show a high level of commitment. But I don’t really want to target this area specifically.

I love rugby and the training that goes with it but have really lost touch with the game due to my injury and operations, but when I get a client who wants to improve sporting performance I love it but I haven’t got a lot of experience in this area.

I have always had a passion for nutrition and am very committed with the quality and type of food I eat, because I know what a positive impact it has on me and on other peoples lives. Helping someone to lose a lot of weight is great but I don’t know if I am truly passionate about it although that is where I have most success and experience. I really enjoying training regular people who dislike exercise and watching them grow to love it, that gives me a buzz.

My passion in exercise is using Olympic rings and lifts, sandbags, rope climbing, kettlebells, and bodyweight to make training functional and fun, whilst achieving optimum fitness levels. Unfortunately I only train like this myself at the moment; I have not got the space to train my clients in such a way.

The gym I rent wont allow ANY of the training modalities I mentioned above (doesn’t even have an Olympic bar). I can still make their training functional and fun but I know it could be so much better. I did have kettlebells and sandbags for 6 months until they decided do up the gym with shiny new machines and ban them. I stay at this gym because the rent is cheap ( £2400 for the whole year), but I think ive realised this is not that important any more.

I really don’t know what to do, move out of the place im in?, (been looking for options own place other gyms but cant find any good options) , stick with what I’ve got and enjoy the pink pound, stick to what I have most experience and knowledge in and specialise in fat-loss ?

I am confusing myself now and seem to have an excuse for everything! But I am really finding the UMI module hard and am wasting a lot of time because of it. I recognise I am getting down and agitated about it now so better stop writing.


Wednesday 21 November 2007

Off the boil!

Gone off the boil a bit the last week got knocked out with a bug at the weekend and been pretty unproductive since.

I think I underestimated the importance of the excellence strategy. I only did it once and wrote my answers down and havent listened or referred to it again.

After completing the ES I remember how my behavior really changed for the better in the few days that followed. I remember the ES guiding me in making excellent decisions, communicating well, dressing smarter etc. Despite this I kept making excuses for not going through the audio again; I`ve got more important thing to do, its not the right time, Ill do it when I’ve finished this and that. Or may be I just thought I’m excellent now so don’t need to do that again!

I guess my excellence really peaked after 3 or four days, but then it happened. I started to slip back into some un-excellent ways. It started with one little thing and I remember saying to myself, I should have done that, but you can’t be excellent all the time can you?!

I really expected to listen to one audio complete one workbook and there you go, magic! I’m excellent for life!

No hard work extra training, study or revision involved!

What a twat.

Where as in the few days after I did the ES I felt like I had the power to override my old self( that sort of uncomfortable feeling) trying to stop me in my endeavor to be excellent, my power was fading fast!

So to get back on track I am going to re do my ES, create an excellence reference sheet and listen to the audio at least once a week till it’s stuck in this thick skull!

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Sorry I just got told off.

Central european roots.

It must be her eastern european roots

This UMI stuff is a right bugger, will get there though.

Went to Crossfit London Olympic weightlifting seminar tonight was great fun, but kinda knocks your ego when your girlfriend can squat snatch more than you!

Im injured alright!!

Sunday 11 November 2007

The computer and me

Was supposed to go on a Landmark education course this wkend but cancelled!

Not too excellent but it was 10am-midnight fri sat and sun so think I would have fallen behind with the work. They were fine with it and ill do it in dec or Jan.

Did the Landmark forum a couple of months ago and got a lot out of it. A better self image, improved relationships, saw my dad for the first time in 20 years and feel much closer to my mum too. (Sorry that’s sounds a bit soppy; think I'm sharing too much!)

A couple of years ago I would have said what a load of old sh$t but it really gave me a new outlook on life. Dax has used a lot of the same principles so far in the coaching bits of this course.

Been glued to the computer for two days, slow start but things seem to be coming together now.

Emailed my first! Article to my Mum in Spain, for her to mark!(she’s an English teacher)

Judit is battling through her first article; it’s quite tough as English is her second language.

Although it’s still better than mine!

Love skype! Judit uses it a lot to call home but id never used it before, Could be a bit of a distraction though, Spoke to Ben Barroga in Australia, Mum in Spain, Friend in New York!

Excellence strategy hard to completely get into at the moment as I’m spending so much with my computer, but think the computer just said I am behaving excellently, or am I going mad!


Sunday 4 November 2007

Wkend reflection

Semi-productive, a few titty tantrums but a good start all in all.

Both completed the excellence module, Judit looked mighty fine at the dinner party we went to tonight and I talked my arse off! I didn' t look too shabby either.

-New training system plan now in print.
-New Functional movement Assessment Complete.
-Intensive fat loss program plan worked out.
-Consultation started, more time and effort put into this after a poor attempt at the phone script.

Do find I have to fight my old self sometimes, so easy just to sit down and watch sky sports all day.

Hope everyone is doing well

Speak soon

Thursday 1 November 2007

So much to do!

Had a bit of a sh*t day.

Rushing as usual I attempted the phone script, everything that could have gone wrong with the computer did, the script was crap and I missed the conference call because I got in huff!

I think the reason i got so flustered is because the script task highlighted what i already knew but refused to face.

My business has no structure.

At this point I feel like hibernating for six months and starting my business all over again!

Funny how such a simple task as the phone script can highlight how much I need to do.

So ACTION time!

1. I need more time to work on the tasks that are going to grow my business. So from 7th November its 4 newly structured days of pt sessions and 3 days to work on business development.

2. I am going to have to reduce my pt sessions, which means less income but so be it. If I don't do this now I will not get anywhere. Next Tuesdays gatekeeper conference call will kick start me on this one.

3. I am going to start putting down on paper the new structured training system Ive had in my head!

Sorry to be a bit of a moaner but needed to get it off my chest.
Sh*t day aside, Ive got a buzz I haven't felt for ages and I'm really looking forward to the work ahead.

Like this article by Mike Boyle think we can can all relate to it and its good to see a great coach be so honest about his mistakes.